
last updated: 2024-05-19

Services are containers, that are triggered by an HTTP endpoint.

Examples of these are:

  • Websites
  • APIs
  • Webhooks

For these endpoints, we also use our scale-to-zero technology, to shut down unused resources and initialize only when a request comes in.

How it works

By creating a service, we create a public endpoint and issue a valid TLS certificate.

This endpoint, by default hosts an empty HTTP server where you can test the setup.

By providing us with a container image we can replace our static placeholder with your website/API.

What is required of the container image?

Each container image is initialized on demand. So any system deployed to DTZ needs to keep that in mind.

By default, DTZ sets a PORT environment variable for the container and expects the instance to be launched on that port. If your application needs to be run on a specific port, you can override this variable with your software-specific port.

To check the availability of the deployed application on startup, the runtime call the port with a HEAD /-request. If the response is not erroneous, the load balancer marks this backend as running.

Environment Variables from the runtime

variable settable description
PORT yes application listener port
DTZ_ACCESS_TOKEN yes (identity can be changed) JWT generate from the context that allows resources to be accessed within the context.
DTZ_CONTEXT_ID no DTZ context that the current application is running in